Tuesday 15 October 2019

The Return of... The Monocle Doctor??

That's right, the Doctor is back... But probably not the one you were expecting...
Volume Four STARTS HERE- with a prequel to Sheda 2 that finds the Rani scheming against The Monocle Doctor.

The Monocle Doctor is not offically part of the AMAZING universe, instead occupying his own Dweekyverse that was created by esteemed fan group "The Dweek Area" in 2015.
His adventures can be found Here!

His most recent adventure establishes that Monocle has the ability to cross over into AMAZING's universe, explaining his Room of Duel appearence as well as past cameos.
It also features the AMAZING Doctor himself, as well as The Original Doctor AND Aimless Wanderings' own Pompous Doctor, so you don't want to miss it!

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