
The AMAZING Doctor

Played by Phoenix Smith
First Appearence: 'Challenge of the Mandrasoridagon'

This incarnation of the Doctor is cheeky and brave, bold and easy going, and yet huanted by the daker memories of his life time; often reminded of the Time War... 
The AMAZING Doctor is quick to affirm that he's a hero, and enjoys brash demonstrations of his bravery. He has a wish to be different, to be a Maverick Wildcard, but also a deeper wish to always be loved and accepted.

The Proper Bonkers Doctor

Played by Jacob C. Rose
First Appearence: 'Deep Canon'

Proper Bonkers (or simply PB) is the previous incarnation of the Doctor, but also a close ally and on again, off again companion. PB is a more humble Doctor, and can at times be less sure of himself, however he enjoys the spotlight that comes with being a hereo as much as AMAZING.

Time Agent Lee

played by Aaron Newbigging
First Appearence: 'Conspiracy to Invade of the Daleks'

Agent Lee travelled back from the future in order to avenge the death of his brother Spartacus, who he inittialy believed was murdered by The Doctor.
Lee is a dark rogue agent, willing to go to any lengths and break all the rules to complete his mission. He has a strong loalty to his friends and family, but a distrust of the government and corperations.

The President

Played by Ronan Goron
First Appearence: 'Menoptera Invasion of America

President Underwood was an American President of Planet earth in an unkown time period, with unkown political alliegences.

The Original Doctor

played by Phoenix Smith
First Appearence: 'Murder on the Polar Express'

The first incarnation of the Doctor travelled the universe in order to broaden his horizons and overcome his racism and xenophobia.